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You're a busy private practice or in-house lawyer struggling to keep your head above water. You're too busy to even think about how to improve the way you're doing things. 

A packaged legal automation solution that helps private practice and in-house lawyers track, manage, process and report on a wide range of legal issues. Leverage advanced workflow management, document automation, email reminders, reporting functionality to help you and your team. Reduce errors and save costs while improving responsiveness by replacing inefficient paper-based workflows with automated processes. 

Busy juggling numerous legal matters across multiple offices and jurisdictions? Using one solution, users can track and manage different matters which can each have a different workflow because managing a complex IT procurement deal is very different to managing legal proceedings. Using a single solution can give you real-time visibility into matter management workflows across departments, teams or practice areas, facilitating superior governance.

Are you the Chief Legal Counsel AND the Privacy Officer, responsible for managing a complex privacy program at your organisation? Using one solution, you can manage your privacy program using streamlined privacy impact assessments, vendor risk-management tools, risk registers and more. You can also use our solution to manage your organisation's obligations under the mandatory data breach notification scheme in Australia.  

Repeatedly being approached by the business to draft the same simple contracts? Using our solution, you can easily automate the steps involved in generating standard legal contracts, like developer agreements or NDAs. Our solution will let you accelerate routing, reviewing and approving contracts with both internal and external parties, while eliminating costly mistakes and bottlenecks and delivering exceptional consistency, compliance, speed, and your return on investment.

Too busy to effectively manage your panel of external law firms? Using our solution, you can easily automate the steps involved in requesting support or advice from external counsel. It will let you accelerate routing, reviewing and approving legal spend and give you greater visibility over where your budget is being allocated. 

Managing a portfolio of trade marks for your organisation or clients? Using our solution, you can easily view your dashboard of trade marks and understand when renewals are due and need to be processed and assign tasks to the correct people, whether internally or externally.  

Unsure of potential conflicts arising from prospective clients and work? Using our solution, you can easily automate the steps involved in conducting conflict checks in your firm. Our solution will let you accelerate routing, reviewing and approving new pieces of work, whilst facilitating superior governance.