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What is Asset Management?

Asset management is the process of ensuring an organisation’s assets are accounted for, deployed, maintained, upgraded and disposed of. We’re not talking about inventory on a store shelf. We’re talking about fixed assets, an organisation’s fixed assets that are used in day to day operations. For an IT department, this probably means computers, monitors, software licenses, mobile phones and all the other equipment given to employees for their jobs.

Why do we need it?

Today’s IT organisations have a lot on their plates. Between seeing to system uptime, supporting users, and managing inventory of both hardware and software, to say it’s a challenge is putting it mildly. Some organisations decide to manage their inventory in spreadsheets, or maybe with a lightweight database. But these solutions don’t typically allow shared, real-time access so that anyone can update or see the data. Effective asset management is a huge cost savings for companies.

How can GLiNTECH help? 

We have years of experience helping organisations leverage Atlassian products for use in asset management. We've helped organisations build simple, yet powerful, asset management solutions with Jira’s flexible issue types and workflow engine. With all these years of experience, we can now provide organisations with a bundle of pre-configured workflows and configurations for use in asset management, ready for rapid deployment. Rather than starting from scratch, we can also work with your organisation to make you track assets the way your team and organisation likes to operate. 

So why use Jira?

For one thing, Jira is extremely flexible. With our off the shelf solution, you can start tracking assets in the exact way your team and organisation likes to operate with just a few clicks and brush strokes. With Jira, all assets and related issues are stored in one place. You’ll know the reason for acquiring the hardware, who it’s assigned to, and its history. 

Benefits of Jira for Asset Management

  • Query Jira for asset location and always know where your assets are.
  • Manage levels of inventory in different office locations.
  • Determine how long someone has had their hardware to track future hardware replacements.
  • Help developers find different configurations of hardware to troubleshoot issues.
  • Assign and update responsibility for particular assets, and track transitions of repair orders.
  • Build custom workflows for each type of asset in your organisation.