Atlassian recently announced licensing & price changes for some of their Server and Data Center customers, effective 15th February 2022. As this date is fast approaching, we have identified a list of questions and answers that will assist you in how you can manage the upcoming changes and our recommendations on next steps.
Effective 15th February 2022, Atlassian will:
You're only impacted if you are:
You are on advantaged pricing if you purchased before 3rd October 2019 (for Server) or 2nd February 2021 (for Data Center).
If you're unsure, feel free to reach out so that we can help confirm your plan.
You have three options!
Option 1: Consider moving to Atlassian Cloud (Recommended)
In 2019, Atlassian publicly announced that they are a Cloud-first organisation by providing an end of support date for their Server products, Feb 2024. As you will need to move off of Server before this date, you should consider if Cloud is right for you and whether you can move there sooner. Feel free to reach out so that we can provide you with a price comparison between Cloud & Server/Data Center licensing and see if you're eligible for either Cloud Migration Trials, Cloud Loyalty Discounts or Dual Licensing.
For more information please visit Moving to Atlassian Cloud
Option 2: Upgrade/Renew Server/DC before the price increase
If you would like to upgrade/renew your Server/DC user tier before the change comes into effect, please reach out via the Contact Us form below to request a quote.
Option 3: Renew server/DC after the price increase
If you have no worries about the price increase, then you can always renew at a later date.
To read more about Atlassian's Future Pricing plans, visit Future Server Pricing overview & FAQ