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Contribution to the Sydney Children's Hospital - End Of Year Update

Meet Newborn Anne & friends: GLiNTECH’s contribution to the Sydney Children’s Hospital

Each year GLiNTECH donate profits to purchase technology  for the Sydney Children's Hospital. We have a long running partnership with the hospital’s Foundation and are able to assist them with special requests from departments that do not normally receive direct funding for a technology ‘wish list’. 

In this current financial year, GLiNTECH are committed to purchasing multiple Simulated Training Manikins for the hospital’s cutting-edge Simulation Training Centre which uses advanced technology to ensure their medical teams continue to deliver the best possible care to children of all ages. These life-like mannequins come in different sizes to act just like a real child would in life-threatening medical situations – moving, screaming or crying – so that the doctors, nurses and allied health staff can test skills and systems in a situation that closely mirrors a real-life scenario.

Newborn Anne has and provides the following:

We thank the Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation team for allowing us to make a difference with technology each year.