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Atlassian Road Trip 2014 (Git on board!)

The next few months are shaping up to be very busy for the GLiNTECH team, particularly so for our Atlassian specialists with two big events approaching. 

First up, we’re the exclusive partner for the Getting Git Right event on March 27th. This event proved hugely popular when it was announced, with all the tickets getting snapped up within the first 24 hours. Needless to say, we’re excited at the public response to the event and are looking forward to spending some time talking about tools like Stash and why developers might be interested in getting what Git’s got. 

If you’d tried to book for the Git event but missed out on tickets, there’s some consolation in that dates for Atlassian’s Road Trip 2014 have been announced, with Sydney scheduled as the final stop on May 15th. 

This annual global tour is a chance to hear from people from across the Atlassian world such as managers, engineers, and product developers - as well as users - and get a more general understanding of the software tools; how they’re used, how they fit with agile and collaborative development practices and how they’re being made better. This year, the main focus of talks will include: 

The GLiNTECH team had a great time at the 2013 Road Trip chatting with people about the different ways they use the software and also helping others to find new ways and, once again, we’re very pleased to be heading to the event as a Featured Expert. 

At the time of writing this post, over 50% of the tickets for the Sydney leg of Road Trip 2014 have been booked. That leaves less than 100 spots available for what’s always a fun and interesting evening. If you don’t want to miss out, book your spot ASAP. 

If you're heading to either of these events, keep an eye out for our team and feel free to say hello. Or get in touch on twitter: @GLiNTECH